Daniel Fitzmaurice

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Daniel Fitzmaurice is a graduate of the University of Western Ontario Faculty of Law. In his graduating year, he was awarded the Lorenzo Di Cecco Memorial Award in Criminal Law. 

Since being called to the Bar in March 2022, Daniel has worked on a wide variety of criminal cases, ranging in complexity from common assault to murder. He believes deeply in the presumption of innocence and is devoted to upholding the principles of justice for the accused.

Daniel has represented clients at both the Ontario Court of Justice and the Superior Court of Justice.

Recent Cases:

In R v M, 2022, Daniel and John Fitzmaurice were successful in having a client discharged of attempt murder following a weeklong preliminary inquiry. The judge found that there was no evidence from which a properly instructed jury acting reasonably could convict.

In 2018, Daniel had the honour of assisting co-counsel John Fitzmaurice and Phillip Campbell with a two-month first-degree murder jury trial (R v S). After several days of deliberation, the jury acquitted the accused of several counts of attempt murder and was hung on the murder charge. In 2020, Phillip Campbell was awarded the G. Arthur Martin Medal for outstanding contribution to criminal justice. 



Neill Fitzmaurice